Laboratory Oven FAQ

Laboratory Oven FAQ

What are the precautions for using the laboratory oven? Avoid piling up too many samples inside the oven or blocking the vents, as this may affect temperature uniformity and hot air circulation. Please pay attention to the heat resistance of the samples and the baking temperature limits to ensure that they do not overheat or…



What is HAST testing of chips? HAST testing is a fast stress test. It assesses chip reliability by simulating high heat and humidity. This speeds up aging and failure. Why should chips undergo HAST testing? Test the chip’s stability in high heat and humidity. Ensure it can work for a long time in a harsh…

UV Aging Tester FAQ

UV Aging Tester FAQ

What is the difference between the UV aging tester and the Xenon lamp aging tester? The UV aging chamber tests how well a product can resist ultraviolet rays. It uses eight 40W UV fluorescent lamps to simulate sunlight or artificial light. This is mainly for non-metallic material products. The aging chamber uses a xenon lamp….

Salt Spray Test FAQ

Salt Spray Test FAQ

Why is it important to do a wet and dry comparison in salt spray testing? Salt spray tests compare wet and dry methods. Their goal is to better assess a material’s corrosion resistance. We can improve product design by comparing corrosion in wet and dry conditions. It will help us understand how the material behaves…

Constant Temperature and Humidity Chamber for Electronic Component Testing

Constant temperature and humidity test chamber on the role of electronic component testing

A constant temperature and humidity test chamber is widely used in many industries. It simulates temperature and humidity changes in different environments. It tests the physical properties of various materials, including: electronic and electrical components automation parts communication equipment automotive parts metals chemicals plastics This equipment is vital in the defence, aerospace, and military sectors….

Introduction to Salt Spray Testing

Introduction to Salt Spray Testing

What is salt spray, salt spray test classification Salt spray is a mix of tiny, salt-containing droplets in the air. It is a type of artificial environment used in three series of defense tests. Many companies need to simulate the destructive nature of coastal climates. A salt spray test simulates the generation of this phenomenon….

Temperature and Humidity Controlled Cabinets FAQ

Temperature and Humidity Controlled Cabinets FAQ

How to choose the right environmental control chamber for your needs? 1. Determine the test requirements Before choosing the test chamber, we must define their testing needs. You can determine the required environmental control chamber’s performance and specs. This depends on the test items, conditions, time, and other factors. 2. Temperature range and stability Temperature…

Salt spray test at a glance

Salt spray test at a glance

1 Terminology 1.1 General surface corrosion Uniform removal of material from the entire material-aggressive medium contact surface. This is a very common type of corrosion. Common types are sheet corrosion and surface corrosion. 1.2 Pitting corrosion (pore corrosion) The erosion of a limited localised area by a corrosive medium which penetrates into the material to…

High and low temperature test classification, method, process, results

High and low temperature test classification, method, process, results

High and low temperature testing finds out how well products adapt to extreme temperatures in storage, transport, and use. The severity of the test depends on the high or low temperature and the duration of exposure. All products are stored, preserved, or work in certain temperature environments. Some environments have constantly changing temperatures, sometimes high…
