Salt spray test at a glance

Salt spray test at a glance

1 Terminology 1.1 General surface corrosion Uniform removal of material from the entire material-aggressive medium contact surface. This is a very common type of corrosion. Common types are sheet corrosion and surface corrosion. 1.2 Pitting corrosion (pore corrosion) The erosion of a limited localised area by a corrosive medium which penetrates into the material to…

High and low temperature test classification, method, process, results

High and low temperature test classification, method, process, results

High and low temperature testing finds out how well products adapt to extreme temperatures in storage, transport, and use. The severity of the test depends on the high or low temperature and the duration of exposure. All products are stored, preserved, or work in certain temperature environments. Some environments have constantly changing temperatures, sometimes high…

Why do UV ageing tests?

Why do UV ageing tests

UV weathering testing uses an ultraviolet light source to simulate sunlight. It irradiates a sample to assess how quickly it ages under UV light. This test method simulates prolonged UV exposure in real use. It assesses the material’s weathering performance and lifespan. Scope of application The UV weathering test applies to a wide range of…

Constant temperature and humidity test chamber maintenance and common problems

Constant temperature and humidity test chamber maintenance and common problems

A constant temperature and humidity box has precise controls. It tests high and low temperatures and different humidity levels. It’s suitable for electronics, food, plastics, auto parts, lamps, chemicals, building materials, and clothing. It detects changes in temperature and humidity during tests. Proper use and upkeep of the humidity box can greatly extend its life….

Maintenance | How to deal with the environmental test chamber temperature uneven problem

When selecting a hot and humid box, pay attention to its performance parameters. These include the temperature range, uniformity, volatility, warming speed, and cooling rate. They also include other factors. They determine if the box can meet the test’s conditions. Uniformity is important in these factors. We need to pay special attention to it. We…

Choose the right environmental test chamber: these common indicators you really understand?

 Nowadays, the requirements for product quality are becoming increasingly stringent in various industries. Environmental test chambers are important tools. They ensure product performance and reliability. This fact is clear. It applies to aerospace, military research, weapons, and equipment. It also applies to 5G semiconductors, and the electrical and electronic industries. They all need to do…