How to Save Electricity in an Environmental Test Chamber?

Environmental test chambers simulate the climate that products face. They test how well the products work and other relevant features. Determine whether the product performance conforms to the intended requirements. It does this to ensure the product will be reliable. It will work well in extreme weather. Environmental test chamber as a product performance and quality gatekeeper. For many industries, it provides a strong test guarantee. It is a piece of significant indispensable laboratory equipment.

Environmental test chamber_salt spray test chamber

Users use constant temperature and humidity environmental test equipment under the requirements. It can help users better solve the test cost of equipment. It also prolongs the lifetime of the test chamber. Let the test equipment serve users for a longer period.

Environmental test chamber energy saving and power saving methods:

① Positioning

Where the environmental test chamber is located is important. It affects power use. Usually, we place the device in a cool and ventilated place away from direct sunlight. When setting the device, leave appropriate space to facilitate heat dissipation. The device itself will generate heat during operation. If the surrounding temperature is too hot, it will increase test power consumption.

② Check the Sealing

Regardless of whether the unit is in operation or not, the sealing strip should be checked periodically. If the seal becomes distorted, it will affect the airtightness of the test chamber. This can cause cold air to leak, thereby increasing the power consumption of the device. If it is seriously deformed or suspected of peeling off, you should restore and change it promptly.

③ Regular defrosting

After a period of using equipment, the evaporator and other parts will produce frost and ice. If you can not regularly defrost, it will not only affect the cooling effect. Electricity usage will also rise during use and may also destroy the compressor. Thus, the frost layer must be thawed when it is over 7 centimeters thick. It is recommended not to defrost frequently when the weather is hot. This will ensure the equipment operates at low carbon levels.

④ Decrease in the frequency of opening and closing doors.

The principle of an environmental chamber is identical to that of a refrigerator. Each time you open the door, the cool air leaks out and the hot air into the box. This will increase the load of the compressor to increase the power consumption. Obtaining samples can reduce the frequency and duration of the door opening. Open and close doors quickly and, if possible, at a small angle. We recommend pausing the fan operation if you need to open the door. Reduce unnecessary heat exchange. Or add the glove function to complete the operation without opening the door.

⑤ Regular cleaning

Regardless of what equipment, we should do an excellent job of maintenance and cleaning regularly. The environmental test chamber is no exception. Clean the condenser and compressor faces once every two to three months. The greater the dust accumulation, the less the thermal effect will be. More power is also consumed. Note that in the cleaning, you must cut off the power supply and wipe it clean with a damp cloth before running. Regularly wiping the parts and box cooling grill can effectively reduce power consumption.

⑥ Drying diligently

After doing the damp heat test, if you don’t clean the moisture attached to the inner wall of the studio. This will cause the environmental chamber to consume more power in later tests. Thus, the operation process should be better standardized. Let the operator know that it should be kept dry inside the studio after each test.

⑦ Reasonable layout

Environmental test equipment placement arrangement is also very important. Reasonable arrangement of the distance between the test boxes. Avoid being close to the heat source. If the environment around the test chamber is too hot, it is unsuitable for heat dissipation. Poor heat dissipation will increase power consumption.

⑧ Temperature and humidity control

Set the test temperature and humidity appropriately. Avoid settings that are too high or too low to cut equipment energy consumption.

Use an efficient temperature and humidity control system. Ensure that the system stabilizes quickly after reaching the set conditions. Avoid prolonged periods of high power consumption.

⑨ Energy-efficient lighting

If the environmental test chamber has a lighting system, consider using more energy-saving lamps, such as LEDs. It will reduce electrical energy consumption.

Check and clean light fixtures regularly. Make sure they work correctly and reduce energy consumption.

⑩ Equipment maintenance:

Perform regular maintenance on the environmental test chamber. Keep the equipment in good condition. Dirty or defective parts may prevent the equipment from losing efficiency. Increase energy consumption.

Clean and replace filters. To ensure good ventilation and heat dissipation and improve equipment effectiveness.

⑪ Reasonable loading:

Reasonably arrange the layout of test samples to ensure full utilization of space. Reduce energy consumption for cooling or heating.

Avoid overloading and unnecessary waste of space.

⑫ Automation Control:

Use an automated control system. Ensure that the equipment can reduce power consumption during non-testing hours. For example, set the equipment to enter sleep or energy-saving mode automatically.

⑬ Reasonable choice of working hours:

Avoid conducting large power consumption tests during periods of high electricity prices. Plan your working hours properly. Choose a time when electricity prices are lower for testing.

⑭ Energy efficiency evaluation:

Consider purchasing an environmental testing chamber with a high energy efficiency rating. Some units may come with an energy efficiency label, which can be used as a purchasing guide.

⑮ Operator training:

Provide training to operators on best practices for using equipment. Avoid unnecessary waste of energy.

These recommendations can help optimize energy use in environmental testing laboratories. Thereby it will reduce electricity costs.

Environmental test chamber itself energy-saving technology:

Whether the climatic environment test chamber saves electricity. Besides the impact of daily operation and maintenance habits. It is also related to its energy-saving performance. ChiuVention is a supplier of environmental test instruments. At the same time, it maintains that it meets the performance specifications. Through a variety of technologies. Realize the high energy efficiency of environmental simulation equipment.

① PID+PWM high-efficiency energy saving

Adopt advanced PWM cold control mode and cold end PID regulation technology. Both reduce the compressor refrigeration input power and significantly reduce the heating power. Thus, the equipment meets the performance indicators at the same time. Power usage has been minimized by 40%.

② Quality thermal insulation prevents cold air from escaping

High-quality insulation materials will fill the structure. They will be enough. Avoid loss of cold air while the test machine is running. The unit output power increase causes this. So, in realizing the purpose of power saving for customers.

③ Optimize the iterative heat-break bridge technology

Forming a thermal bridge between the box and the studio is accessible. Suppose there are no corresponding measures to improve. It will invariably cause power consumption. We optimize the structure and material of the thermal bridge. We try our best to reduce the thermal bridge effect. Thus, the environmental test chamber insulation minimizes the role of power consumption.

The importance of energy saving and power saving on the environmental test chamber

Environmental test chambers of energy saving and power saving for manufacturing are important. It involves the following aspects:

① Cost savings:

Energy costs in the laboratory and production environment occupy a considerable proportion. Reduce the power consumption of environmental test chambers by taking energy-saving measures. It can greatly lower running expenses and increase competitiveness. This also contributes to lessening the economic pressure on the finances.

② Environmental protection:

Energy and power saving can reduce the energy consumption of the environmental chamber. Reduce the demand for power resources. This helps to reduce energy dependence. Reducing energy use reduces greenhouse gas exhaust and harmful impacts on the environment. It contributes to the aim of sustainability.

③ Technological innovation:

Environmental test chamber manufacturers can invest in research and development to achieve energy savings. This thing will promote technological innovation. And it will help to drive the entire industry towards energy conservation and efficiency.

④ Machine life:

Efficient use of energy helps to lower the running burden of the machine. Reduce overheating and wear and tear of the equipment. This extends the service life of the environmental test chamber. And reduce maintenance and replacement costs.

⑤ Social responsibility:

In today’s society, the awareness of environmental protection is gradually increasing. Concern for environmental protection also affects the corporate image. Adopting energy-saving measures demonstrates concern for environmental sustainability. It helps to build a favorable corporate image.

⑥ Regulatory requirements:

In some regions, the government sets regulations for businesses’ energy consumption. Energy saving and conservation are two ways for companies to follow the rules. It helps to regulate the behavior of the industry. Improve the sustainability of the industry as a whole.

⑦ Improve competitiveness:

By adopting efficient environmental test chambers, companies can improve their competitiveness. In some industries, customers prefer to work with environmentally conscious companies.

⑧ Employee comfort:

An efficient environmental test chamber will reduce noise and heat emissions. This will improve the comfort of the working environment. And it also helps improve employee productivity and health.


Energy and power saving is in line with sustainable development. It helps reduce the consumption of natural resources. Therefore, we advocate the use of green energy. This will not cause irreversible damage to the environment in the long term. By reducing electricity consumption, environmental laboratories can contribute to mitigating climate change. It reduces dependence on non-renewable electricity resources. We should expand the use of cleaner, lower-carbon energy. And do our best to contribute to the global response to the challenge of climate change.


By saving energy, test chambers can cut costs at an economic level. It can also make a positive contribution to the environment and social responsibility. Energy saving and power saving deserve attention and investment.

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